Home :: Dual Showers Heads :: Dual Shower Head Bars :: Dual Shower Heads - Giessdorf 6 Jet Shower Heads

Dual Shower Heads - Giessdorf 6 Jet Shower Heads

Dual Shower Heads - Giessdorf 6 Jet Shower Heads
Brushed Nickel Brushed Nickel Oil Rubbed Bronze Chrome
The "ultimate" in a dual bar sets!! We've paired 2 Giessdorf 6 Jet Shower Heads on our dual bar for one thrilling showering experience!! The 8 Jets are too big for our dual bar's but the 6 Jets are perfect.

Most customers will have plenty of water pressure to run both heads at the same time but with reduced flow to each shower head since since you are splitting the water between them.

Each 6 jet has 6 LEXAN jets with 8 channels per jet for a total of 48 individual streams of water. You adjust the spray to a super fine needle spray down to a drenching coarse spray or anywhere in between. With both shower heads running, that's a total of 96 individual streams of water hitting your body. Niiiiiiice!!! With flow control valves behind each shower head (included), you can run both at the same time or one at a time. You decide.

Pictures above shown in Brushed Nickel.

Available in Chrome, Brushed Nickel, Titanium Gold and Oil Rubbed Bronze!
Weight 5.00 lbs
Price: $159.95
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