Home :: Hand Held Showers :: Euro RainShower Hand Held Showers :: 4" Bell RainShower Hand Held Set

4" Bell RainShower Hand Held Set

4" Bell RainShower Hand Held Set
The 4" Bell RainShower Shower Head is elegant and priced right and paired with a handle and hose... it becomes a stunning hand shower set.

The shower head is on a beautiful brass handle. The handle angle is easily adjusted up and down plus the Bell Rain Shower Head is on a swivel ball joint for even more adjustment. Comes with a 200cm white vinyl or a stainless steel hose, your choice. This set comes with a plastic mounting bracket with the option to upgrade to an all brass bracket.

No tools required to install. All pieces are hand installed.

Weight 3.00 lbs
Price: $59.95
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